【文献标题】Oxygen Self-Generating NanoreactorMediated Ferroptosis Activation and Immunotherapy in Triple-Negative BreastCancer
【作者】Ke Li, Kun Xu et.al
【作者单位】Chongqing University(重庆大学)
【关键词】self-supplying nanoreactor, ferroptosis, immunotherapy, O2 production, GSH depletion, triple-negative breast cancer
【出版期刊】《ACS Nano》
【产品原文引用】Briefly, a mouse IFN γ ELISA kit (Shanghai huding biologicaltechnology co., LTD) was measured to detect the IFN γ content inthe tumor tissues after various treatments
【文献标题】Core–Shell-Heterostructured Magnetic–Plasmonic Nanoassemblies with Highly Retained Magnetic–Plasmonic Activities for Ultrasensitive Bioanalysis in Complex Matrix
【作者】Liangwen Hao, Yuankui Leng, Lifeng Zenget.al
【作者单位】南昌大学(Nanchang University)
core–shell heterostructures, highly retained magnetic-plasmonic activities, lateral flow immunoassays, magnetic–plasmonic nanoassemblies, self-assembly
【出版期刊】《Advanced Science 》
Materials: HAuCl4·3H2O, FeCl2·4H2O, FeCl3, oleylamine, oleic acid, BSA, SDS, EDC, trisodium citrate, and PMAO (molecular weight, MW = 30 000–50 000 Da) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The sample and absorbent pads and nitrocellulose membrane were purchased from Wuxi Zodolabs Biotech Co., Ltd. Goat anti-mouse IgG and HCV-Ag were obtained from Chongqing Xinyuanjiahe Biotechnology Inc. Human serum containing HCV-Ab was collected from Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital (Nanchang, China). Mouse anti-DIG mAb was obtained from Abcam. The ELISA kit was purchased from Huding Biotechnology (Shanghai, China). All chemicals were of analytical grade and purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Corp. without further purification unless specified. Millipore water was obtained from a Milli-Q purification system.